Showing Tag: "basil fawlty" (Show all posts)

Basil's in the firing line again!

Posted by Edmond Wells on Wednesday, June 6, 2012,
Booking: Basil Fawlty & Manuel
Client & Destination: Crowne Plaza- Muscat, Oman

Departure: Manchester airport.

Checking in at the airport, thought it would be as well to inform the young lady at the desk, about the sort of work I did.
Not to impress, no no, of course not, but it may have some bearing as to why I had a radio controlled rat in my suitcase....
Also a few guns and 50 rounds of ammunition- I can explain! She said it was probably ok if I was just firing blanks, but she might just hav...
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One of my favourite anecdotes.....

Posted by Edmond Wells on Monday, March 5, 2012, In : Anecdotes 
Job: The Mermaid Inn, Rye, East Sussex
Problem: Low staff moral
History: Early in the year, a particularly potent rumour had spread amongst the staff, that the premises was going up for sale. Complete with new management, and with a new broom. This little drop of poison could not be eradicated by by the present management with any credibility. As time went by, ...
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Just love putting the fun back into weddings!

Edmond Wells From Corporate Entertainment to Weddings, and anything with the name "Party" in it!


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